Youth Group tonight, cleaning this afternoon ;)
I'm writing this quickly before Sara gets home, because as soon as she's home, we need to get cleaning the house. We've had a fairly busy week, and tonight's youth group, so we need to clean where we haven't been able to yet.
Yesterday afternoon we finally had the ip phones installed along with the dsl. The internet is actually slightly faster, and the phones seem to work pretty well. They do some odd things everyonce and a while though... but, it is the internet that runs them, so there ya go....
Jade is doing well, she seems to have grown quite a bit already (everyone says that she has big paws, and that means she'll be a pretty big dog... oh boy). Oscar (our cat) is an honery lil' cat, and is always getting into everything... but that's how most cats seem to be. It's 4:05 as I write this, and its getting dark already... it is obviously deep into real winter now (the season winter just started I am told... but tell that to the weather...).
This morning Sara made me breakfast in bed, which I haven't had in quite a long time... since my birthdays when I was still at home. Dad would make us breakfast in bed... I always looked forward to it. To thank Sara, I bought 14 roses (don't worry, I found a good deal), which are waiting for her here at home. Sara never stops blessing me... and all I can do is thank God for her... and thank God for all of his blessings to me.
I better get going... and start cleaning :D,
God bless,
Isaiah Henni
Associate Youth Minister
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