Isaiah's Blog

"Life is meant to be lived with the fulfillment of the one need that defines all other means of fulfillment and the one love that defines all loves."

Friday, May 05, 2006

New Blog site!

New Blog Change your bookmarks! I did this because now it is located on our church's website server, and is still free. Check it out!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

1600 mile trip, Youth Group and more!!

red rocks
Originally uploaded by shadow5speed.
The picture was taken on our whirlwind weekend of traveling. We went to Spring Thing on Friday and Saturday, came back Sunday early morning (1 am). Then we got up at 5:45 am to leave for Colorado Springs to take Sara's brother Jeff down there. I drove most the way and we made it to "the Springs" in about 6 hours (perfect Denver traffic - blew right through). Then we shopped around and went to Starbucks to meet some friends and drove up an hour or so to their house up on the mountain. We stayed up with them watching Hidalgo (which I didn't finish, nor did any of us as we were too tired), then went to bed. Woke up Tuesday morning at 6:00 am and drove down the mountain, grabbed Sonic for breakfast and drove home through horrible Denver traffic and horrible wind in Laramie, Wyoming. Right outside of Laramie, a piece of molding on our car blew off because of the harsh wind. Insane! We finally got home at 5 pm, then Sara headed to work (my crazy wife!).
As of now we are fully recovered, but that was a crazy road-tripping weekend for both of us.
Youth Group was awesome tonight... We didn't even have a game, but just talked and joked and discussed over the lesson on The tempation of Jesus from Matthew 4:1-11. We talked about temptations and trials that we go through, and how we can overcome them because Christ showed us how (using the Word). It was awesome.
Yesterday we received Season 3 of 24 in the mail, only to find that the first disc is horribly scratched. We've skipped the whole first disc (and the first four episodes), but are enjoying the new season quite a lot. (The one that is currently on TV is Season 5). If you have not watched 24 and do not want to be addicted, then don't watch it. haha... No, I'm serious... it is addicting :D
Well, I have to go pick up Sara... Have a great night!

In His Service,


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A short update

I've been gone quite a few days now... running about without internet access.  We took the Youth to Spring Thing (which I'll document tomorrow), then came back and drove to Colo Springs to take Jeff (Sara's brother) down there. We got back yesterday evening, but I've not had enough energy to post.  Wheeeee. On a side note, I've had my ibook G4 for over a year now... crazy.  Right now it is up to 17 days 21 hours and 42 minutes of uptime (meaning not be shut-down or restarted).  For that long it has been awake or in "sleep" mode (standby or suspend for those with pc's).  Have you ever not had to restart your computer for 17 days (almost 18)?   Crazy... In His Service, Isaiah

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Youth Group 4/27

Ultimate Frisbee
Originally uploaded by shadow5speed.
Youth Group was awesome tonight. We had it down at Sunset Park, which is a great park for having meetings since it is so quiet and secluded. Tonight we switched things up a little and had the lesson first. The lesson was on Jesus' baptism - Matthew 3:13-17 and the other gospels. It was a good lesson that taught us more about who Jesus really was, and why he was baptized.
After that, we played Ultimate Frisbee until it was too cold to play any more. That was fun...
Then, we went to the Ledge and listened to Garrett sing "Yeah, Toast" during High School Open Mike Night. All in all it was a great time, and we all had fun.
Now I have to get to bed, because I need to get up for Prayer Breakfast at 7 am tomorrow... then pick up the rental car at 9 am in Lander. I'm really looking forward to the trip. I'll do my best to blog while I'm gone (as wi-fi access allows).

In His Service,


Rental Car... fun...

Our church had hoped to purchase a van before our trip to Spring Thing... that didn't happen.  So now we'll be taking our car (a smallish Saturn) and renting a small car (a Chevy Cobalt).  I'm glad that I planned about 2 and a half hours of free time, because with 9 of us going in two small cars (and most of us aren't small people) it'll be tight.  No matter what it'll sure be interesting! That's all for now, I'll blog after Youth Group... In His Service, Isaiah Written on my Zire 72

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Lights On, Getting pulled over, etc.

Originally uploaded by shadow5speed.
This is a picture of Michael, one of the Kindergarden kids that goes to Lights On. He smiled big for this picture, so I had to post it. He's a great kid too.
Lights On is going well. It gets a little hectic sometimes, and some of the kids are constantly testing how far we'll let them go. Despite all of that, it is really cool to be walking around Wal-mart and hear a kid yell, "Hey Isaiah!" and come up and give me a big hug. It works really well for getting to know kids for the long-term youth ministry. I'm excited to see where we'll be in 2 or 3 years.
I had forgotten to blog about something funny that happened on Saturday night. Since the Summit team were down, we thought we'd go to Wal-mart... It's the hangout spot, if you haven't noticed... and take Gabe and Nathan (two SCC students) with us. Well, on the way there... I was pulled over. Luckily it was just for a broken tail-light, and we got a warning, but during the very loooooooong time the officer was checking out our information, Gabe kept saying he was going to make a run for it. Silly guy... I guess that story wasn't all that funny...
Well, better get back to work...

In His Service,


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Back to 50* today, Ubuntu SMB server, Proporta Cases

The weather is once again back to 50* F, and made all of the snow melt away.  Whee. I spent some of yesterday and today working on the old 466 celeron we have, installing a 40 gb harddrive and reinstalling Ubuntu 5.10. Ubuntu is a distribution of linux in case you did not know.  Linux is a free (open-source) operating system, and this distribution includes free alternatives to Microsoft Office (Open Office 2.0) and pretty much every other application you can think of.  It is a great distribution because everything works right out of the box.  It even picked up the old usb wireless lan adapter I had lying around.  Right now I'm ripping cd's to set up a Samba server on it for all of our music.  It is now to be our backup server for music, pictures and other assorted documents.   Today I worked on the Youth Handouts and sent out letters for the youth that want to go to Spring Thing this weekend.  Spring Thing is a youth rally for 6-12th graders that is in Scottsbluff, NE.  We'll be leaving Friday at 11am.  That will leave us plenty of time to get there and take our time.  I'm looking forward to it. Yesterday I recieved an Aluminum Case for my Zire 72 from Proporta.  I was offered to review a product of Proporta's as an Associate Writer for Palm Addicts, so I picked the aluminum case.  I recieved it yesterday in the mail, and it is a beauty.  I'll have a review that I'll post a link for by the end of the week on Palm Addicts.  I am very fortunate to be a part of the Palm Addicts team! Well, off to bed to be ready for a new day... In His Service, Isaiah

Monday, April 24, 2006

Snowing again... and weekend update

It is snowing here again... but is supposed to be back to 70* by Wednesday. I remember on Saturday it was 80*. Over the weekend, Summit Christian College came down with a team of students. We had a BBQ with them at Jaycee Park on Saturday night. I grilled up some burgers on our new grill and found out that those who grill are usually left out :D. They played some football before eating and tossed around the ball a little after. Then we played some more games. After that was over (and we were tired!) we went back to the Church and ate ice cream and cookies while Nathan (one of the SCC students) did a testimony. It was a lot of fun to see some of the students that I knew from my time going there. Yesterday the SCC team did the worship time and Scott (a professor there) did the sermon. After that, we had a potluck and business meeting (where I was given the green light to buy Interlinc and was given a $100 a month raise yay!). All in all it has been a very busy weekend, but this next weekend will be even busier! We'll be heading to Spring Thing (a youth rally) in Scottsbluff, NE. I better go, Thomas (one of the youth group members) is coming over to play some video games before I go to work. In His Service, Isaiah

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Flamingo Football

Tonight we played Flamingo Football.  It is full-on tackle football, boys versus girls... with one catch.  The boys have to play hopping on one leg.  The girls beat us pretty handily tonight.  The sad part is, it probably wouldn't have been close even if the guys could use both their legs ;). Tonight's lesson apparently wasn't very engaging with the kids.  It was on Mary and how she show's us many aspects of Jesus through the song that she wrote (recorded in Luke 1).  I feel I kind've dropped the ball, but that's the only way you learn, I guess.  I'll be ready with a much better lesson next week...   I am exhausted tonight... It has been a tough week.  I didn't sleep very well last night (woke up at 2 and didn't get back to sleep until 4am), and and having to do everything I usually do yesterday today made today really tough on my mind :D.  I'll be fine after a good night's rest though.  I hope I sleep the night through because I need to be up at 7am for Men's Prayer Breakfast.  So, I'm off to bed... In His Service, Isaiah

Games... are... fun...

Right now, I'm getting ready the games for tonight's youth group.  It is really one of my favorite parts to get ready, because... well... its games!  I have a few ideas for the games tonight, but I'll blog after Youth Group and tell you how the games and lesson went. This weekend a team from Summit Christian College is coming down to do the Worship time and Preach/teach.  We'll be having a BBQ this Saturday at Sunset Park (here in Riverton) where we'll be playing games and much more.  It's at 6:30p.m. and should be a blast... I'm looking forward to it. Better get back to work, In His Service, Isaiah