Isaiah's Blog

"Life is meant to be lived with the fulfillment of the one need that defines all other means of fulfillment and the one love that defines all loves."

Friday, September 23, 2005

Wooh, an update...

Don't get too excited ;) I have some free time after work (and before Sara gets off work) so I thought I'd post. I've been pretty busy lately. I'm all moved into the parsonage (a big 4 bedroom house - YES!!!). So, if anybody ever comes up to visit me, I'll have plenty of room this time. I've also been working pretty hard with the lawn mowing job in the morning. We've been getting a little more done before I leave, than when there were 4 people mowing... so that's crazy. Youth Group was here at the Parsonage last night, and it was fun... Sara's leaving for a Woman's retreat with quite a few of the lady's... so I'll be bachelorin' it... sigh... haha Well, that's about all I have. I do miss updating this... and I hope I'll be able to do it more... Later all, Isaiah

Thursday, September 01, 2005

One Year With Sara (!!!)

Tomorrow is Sara and I's one-year anniversary (since we started going out!!) Wooohooo ;)... Wow... its been a week since I posted... I'm slacking! (not really... ) I found out Monday that the other employee for my boss quit (without telling anyone until later), so its now the boss and I. We are ending up doing the same amount of work that 4 people would (with 2)! But that means that I'm working twice as hard... even though its only 4 and a half hours a morning... it wears me out. Youth Group went well tonight... it was fun... That's all I got... so... there ya go, Isaiah