Isaiah's Blog

"Life is meant to be lived with the fulfillment of the one need that defines all other means of fulfillment and the one love that defines all loves."

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Never forget me... whoever I am

So, I went to see The Forgotten this afternoon. Still not sure what to think of it... for those not in the know, that's a new movie out w/Julianne Moore. She plays a mother who insists that she used to have a son, and everyone else thinks she's crazy. Well, i think she's crazy too... but not for that part... just b/c she's got freckles... wait... I have freckles... hmm... it all makes sense now... Anyway, there's twists along the way, but the coolest effect was watching people get sucked out of midair to... well, I'm not sure where, but somewhere. And the ending wasn't really satisfactory to me... it just ended on a weird note... like not how these type of stories are supposed to end. Anyway, I can't really explain what I mean w/out giving away much of the plot... The only other thing I didn't like about the movie was the excessive (to me) use of the "shaky-cam" effect. Personally it makes me sick and gives me a headache as my eyes try to focus onto one concrete image. Blah... All in all, I'm glad it was a matinee... so it was only 4.75, and at least it was mostly entertaining. I'll agree w/some reviews that I've seen online, that it is basically like a clone of an x-files episode... a weird one... but just a bit longer... The weekend was great besides, mostly cleaning and hanging out with my girlfriend... who is amazing by the way. Also got to hang out w/my roommate Andy, who is an awesome guy... super funny and crazy... no wonder we get along so well... That's all for tonight... I'm out... Rock Rock On, I

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


I was just sitting here eating Oreos w/milk... and I thought, hmm... what if someone could make it so that the milk was built into the oreo, that way you wouldn't have to dunk 'em... and then I thought, what if someone does make that item and began selling them, then I'd sue b/c i would have thought of it first... then they'd have to pay me ... that'd be the life... Anyway, I like oreos... they're good. The days are getting shorter (well, light anyway)... and also shorter b/c I have a girlfriend now... and time seems to fly a lot quicker... although, when you don't have a job, its easy to get everything done... Speaking of jobs... if anyone would like send me money for some unknown reason, I'd be perfectly fine with that... send me an email at and tell me the details of the transactions... I may even pay you back somehow, in the future, possibly... well, have a great night everyone... later, Rock Rock On, I

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

If you go flying back through time and you see somebody else flying forward into the future, it's probably best to avoid eye contact.

So, we had our 3rd annual Gillette trip for the PVBC college kids... it was really fun... if you want to see pictures and a video I made of the trip, head on over to my website: I have a streamable movie up, and if you'd like the full high res movie, just let me know... Anyway, that's all for now, but go on and check out the site... Later, Rock Rock on, I

Friday, September 17, 2004

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it.

Another day, another no dollar... sigh. I still have no work as of yet, but its all good. Someone dropped 126.00 into my account at the school, so that's awesome. Rent is nearly covered for next month... sweet. Lately have been messing w/alot of video-editing programs, and for those of you who are into that type of thing, there's an awesome website w/tutorials and such. Its: As you may know, I've lately sold my two pcs and have purchased an Apple Powerbook G4/500. It is a very nice machine, and the software programs that are available for video editing are amazing. The OEM software that comes w/OSX Panther has iMovie, a great little program by itself, b/c of its simplicity. Virtual PC is running the Bible software that I need, so I had no need to keep my desktop anymore, and thus sold it to help offset the cost of the laptop. I'm liking living on OS X. And I think it likes me... Speaking of movies, for all the one or two that read this blog, there will be several movies being made during this semester, Captian Obvious II, and a new comer, Idaho Jones... Some of which will be shown at Platte Valley Bible College's Fall Fling on November 12-14th. Be there or be square... or not there, or whatever... yea... Anyway... Gotta go, Rock, rock on!! I

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I wanna go see Babe-heart, its a story about a cute little pig that slaughters the English.

Crazy weekend it was. Went to my buddy Trav's house, he ended up getting dumped... so I stayed with him, then drove him up here to Scottsbluff... then today I drove him back after classes, and drove back up this evening (missing work... doh). I am a crazy, crazy bugger. It was fun though. I have a girlfriend now, wonderful girl she is. Maybe she'll read this and smile, here's hoping. Gotta go and do some homework, later, Rock rock on, I

Monday, September 06, 2004

Probably the earliest fly swatters were nothing more than some sort of striking surface attached to the end of a long stick.

Yea... its been a long time since I've posted... sorry for all the one person that checks this often... (myself). Things have been crazy the past week... and I mean crazy. School has been fun... I'm loving Greek... here's some of my work (a translation of 1 Timothy 1:1-7 - 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the command of God our savior and of Christ Jesus our hope 2 To Timothy, a true child in faith; grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. 3 Just as I appealed to you to remain in Ephesus when I was going into Macedonia, in order that you might command certain ones neither to teach a different doctrine 4 Nor pay close attention to myths and endless genealogies which bring about senseless speculation rather than the divine plan of God, which is in faith. 5 The end of this command is love, out of a pure heart and good conscience and sincere faith 6 from which some, missing the mark, have gone astray into empty talk 7 wishing to be teachers of the law, not understanding either the things they say or what they speak so confidently of. That's all I have for tonight... I'll seriously post something better tomorrow... laters, Rock rock on!!! I